Porsche comically envision a e e e tractor for the farming e…

Porsche Introducing Mission E Tractor, Diversifying Lineup

Today, April Fools' Day, the best day to make earth-shattering announcements to an already skeptical internet, Porsche announced it would be expanding its Mission E model lineup with the addition of the Mission E Tractor.

Such a product makes sense for the German automaker considering it’s not the first time Porsche has had its named attached to tractors.

And, with the success of the Mission E Cross Turismo at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show, what company wouldn’t want to capitalize on such a hit?

On social media, Porsche says, “A revolution in farming is afoot,” with the Mission E Tractor. A revolutionary the tractor will be. The tractor blends modern design cues with those of the mid-1950s Porsche tractors. However, the Mission E Tractor will be loaded with the latest technology.

The new agricultural vehicle will have the same 800-volt fast-charging system found on the Mission E Cross Turismo along with loads of advanced digital connectivity technology.

Power output will be more than 700 horsepower, making the Mission E Tractor the fastest accelerating and quietest zero-emission tractor in the world. Farmers will be able to harvest crops in record time.

Porsche says the tractor has “enough power to set a pretty good lap time on the Nordschleife.” You know, just in case plowing fields isn’t your thing.

Along with the tractor comes Porsche’s FastFarm app. The app provides 24-hour satellite-based weather updates and a mobile farmers’ forum to help people connect with other Mission E Tractor owners. It can get lonely in those fields.

Porsche did not give a date as to when the Mission E Tractor will enter production or go on sale. Rumor is to check back the second Tuesday of next week for more information. Maybe we will get an update on next year’s April Fool's Day. Stay tuned.

Source: Porsche

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Porsche announces Mission E Tractor

Plugging into the future of all-electric agriculture.

Porsche AG is delighted to announce the latest addition to the Mission E model line. Following the successful debut of the Mission E Cross Turismo at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show, Porsche is heading even further off road with the all-electric Mission E Tractor.

This bold vision for 21st Century agriculture blends design cues from Porsche’s original mid 1950s tractors with the same advanced digital connectivity and 800v fast-charging architecture that powers the Mission E.

With a power output in excess of 700hp, the Mission E Tractor will be the fastest accelerating agricultural vehicle in the world, enabling farmers to harvest crops in record time with the added environmental benefits of zero emissions at source and significantly reduced operating noise.

Porsche’s newly developed FastFarm App

The Mission E Tractor will also benefit from Porsche’s newly developed FastFarm App, designed to provide 24-hour satellite-based weather updates and a mobile farmers’ forum.

Porsche is confident that the combination of tradition and innovation – and enough power to set a pretty good lap time on the Nordschleife – will make the Mission E Tractor a runaway sales success.

Источник: https://www.motor1.com/news/237910/porsche-mission-e-tractor-joke/

Porsche Newsroom on Twitter

Porsche Newsroom‏Verified account @PorscheNewsroom Apr 1

A revolution in farming is afoot, as #Porsche proudly announces the Mission E Tractor.

Combining the best of Porsche’s tradition and innovation, our 700hp plug-in workhorse will be the fastest accelerating, quietest and cleanest tractor in the world. More: https://goo.gl/eNzMHy pic.


Porsche Newsroom‏Verified account @PorscheNewsroom Apr 1

Dear reader, the editorial team has taken the liberty of having a little fun here on April 1. Of course, the Mission E tractor will not be built.

Show this threadGrant Kruger‏ @gkroog1 Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

You know it's an April fool's joke when they talk about horsepower for a tractor, and not torque

manueldi‏ @morphisto_zet Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom @Martina_BWC

Wieso auch immer man das als Aprilscherz macht. Das wäre eigentlich eine wirklich gute Idee…..

Martina BWC‏ @Martina_BWC Apr 1Replying to @morphisto_zet @PorscheNewsroom

Was heute noch ein Aprilscherz ist, muss ja morgen keiner mehr sein. Hat sich doch schon häufiger bewahrheitet 😉

Jamie Lendino‏Verified account @jlendino Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom @craigweich

I see we're getting started early 😀

Ritik786‏ @Ritik_786 Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Plz do add a rear spoiler option for better downforce

Cristobal Rabah‏ @crisrabah09 Apr 2Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Its very sad that you see this as a joke, its a great idea

Kritik der praktischen Vernunft‏ @Bar2lucci Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom @john__rosevear

I thought you won't make a Tesla-Fighter.

CarDeals2Me‏ @cardeals2me Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroomCurtis Moldrich‏Verified account @Khurtizz Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom


Josh Barrie‏Verified account @joshbythesea Apr 1Replying to @Khurtizz @PorscheNewsroom

wish this were true

joep‏ @joep4321 Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Too bad it’s april first, i want this to be real!

Serge Simard‏ @agileone_twt Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

After a long tradition of building tractor sounding vehicules, it is about time you clean up your act!

Nickolson‏ @Alecsony Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Traktir duschi Porsche.

Stuart Macleod‏ @sgjmacleod Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Will this come in other colours ? 😉

• Reza‏ @rezadst Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

set tractor doang 700hp..

Santiago Loaiza‏ @sloaiza86 Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

In another date I would not be surprised after what @BBC_TopGear did.

Fred Randolph‏ @fredbrew2 Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Is there a “woody” option?

Flat6Fan‏ @oz746catt Apr 1Replying to @PorscheNewsroom

Must be April foals day

Источник: https://twitter.com/porschenewsroom/status/980370666217189376

Licensing issues for teenagers and tractors

Anyone between the ages of 13-18 must have attended and passed a formal driving assessment to be allowed to drive tractors anywhere in Northern Ireland. Therefore if you are under 18 and driving a tractor without a Lantra certificate in tractor driving, you are currently breaking the law. Visit the Lantra website; www.lantra.co.uk to locate your nearest training provider.

Age 13 years up to 16 years

No person under 16 years of age may drive a vehicle on the road. Between the age of 13 and 16 can however legally drive a tractor during agricultural, horticultural or forestry field operations. Tractors must be fitted with an enclosed, approved safety cab.

Age 16

As a provisional Category F Licence holder, a 16 year old is not permitted to drive a tractor on a public road except when;

Going to, taking or returning from a driving test; or

Engaged in the course of agricultural operations on any road which is not a road where the maximum speed limit is 30mph or less.

As a full driving category F licence holder, a 16 year old may drive a tractor on the public road provided that;

The unladen weight of the tractor does not exceed 2550kg

The vehicle only pulls a trailer less than 2.45m wide with only two wheels or four close coupled.

In addition, in both cases the vehicle must:

Be engaged in the course of agricultural, horticultural or forestry operations.

Be constructed so that the whole of the vehicles weight is transmitted to the road surface by means of its wheels i.e. it is not tracked;

Be registered as an ‘agricultural machine’ in either the limited use class or concessionary class;

Not be driven on a special road within the meaning of the Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993. An example of a special road is a motorway.

Age 17

As a full category F licence holder, a 17 year old and over may drive any agricultural motor vehicle on a road when used in connection with agriculture, horticulture or forestry.

Trailer test

Car drivers who had obtained a licence after 1 January 1997 must complete a trailer test. It must be noted that individuals wishing to complete the trailer test must carry out the test in a motor vehicle that has rear seats and seatbelts i.

e; a Landrover may not necessarily fall under this eligible category. Individuals can complete the trailer test at selected Driver & Vehicle Agency test centres.

As long as a driver has category F on their licence they are still entitled to tow a trailer behind a tractor.

The UFU has published a guide to agricultural vehicles on the road booklet which is available for free to all UFU members at your local group office.

Источник: https://www.farminglife.com/ufu-watch/licensing-issues-for-teenagers-and-tractors-1-4056682

Porsche Mission E станет серийным в 2020 году

Проект электрического спорткара Porsche Mission E 2016-2017 года одобрен руководством немецкой компании Porsche AG, и получено добро на выпуск серийной версии первого электрокара Порше Миссион Е. Правда, произойдет это не ранее 2020 года.

Официальная премьера Porsche Mission E Concept состоялась осенью 2015 года на Frankfurt Motor Show, где немецкий прототип произвел настоящий фурор своим стильным и оригинальным внешним видом, современным и высокофункциональным салоном, новейшей платформой, подразумевающей использование только электрических двигателей.

В нашем обзоре фото, видео, технические характеристики и предполагаемые цены на новый Порше Миссия Е. По предварительным оценкам, серийная версия немецкого электрокара будет стоить не менее 120 тысяч евро.

Дизайн экстерьера кузова нового Porsche Mission E эмоциональный и спортивный помноженный на традиционный стильный образ немецких спорт-каров, начиная от Porsche 911 и Porsche Panamera, заканчивая гиперкаром Porsche 918 Spyder.

Полностью светодиодные фары головного света, светодиодная гирлянда задних габаритных фонарей, стекающий к монументальному бамперу капот, огромные валуны колесных арок, способные к размещению низкопрофильной резины на 21-22 дюймовых дисках, изготовленных из углеволокна, спойлеры, диффузоры, аэродинамический обвес, аккуратный купол крыши, типичная для спорткара корма с пышными формами, распашные безрамочные двери (двери второго ряда открываются против хода движения), отсутствие центральной стойки. Одним словом, шикарный четырех местный спорткар премиум-класса, да еще и на электрической тяге. Кузов Mission E, к слову, изготовлен из комбинации стальных, алюминиевый и углепластиковых деталей.

Салон нового Порше Миссия Е с четырьмя отдельно установленными спортивными креслами-ковшами, простой и строгой архитектурой передней панели и центральной консоли, современным оборудованием.

Управление основными и вспомогательными функциями нового электрокара осуществляется с помощью нескольких сенсорных экранов, установленных на передней панели и центральной консоли, приборная панель огромная с пятью циферблатами, расположившимися полукругом за рулевым колесом.

Все экраны работают на основе OLED technology (органические светодиоды) воспринимают не только прикосновения, но и жесты… панель приборов способна даже следить за глазами водителя, и в случае необходимости корректировать картинку.

Автомобиль лишен привычных зеркал заднего вида и оснащается камерами заднего вида, изображения с камер проецируются на нижние края лобового стекла.

Большие размеры колесной базы и открывающиеся против хода движения задние двери обеспечивают солидный запас свободного пространства в салон электро-кара и максимально облегчают посадку. Материалы отделки и оснащение базовой комплектации Porsche Mission E обещают высокий уровень премиум-класса: перфорированная кожа, алюминий и карбон, четырех зонный климат-контроль, электропривод всех кресел с подогревом и вентиляцией, огромный сенсорный экран-планшет мультимедийной системы.

Технические характеристики Porsche Mission E Concept. Немецкий электрокар заявлен производителем, как All Wheel Drive Dual Motor Electric Sports Car (электрический спорткар, с двумя электрическими моторами и полным приводом).

Так что в наличии пара электромоторов суммарной мощностью более 600 сил, система полного привода с изменяемой векторизацией тяги и полноуправляемое шасси. Аккумуляторные батареи установлены под полом пассажирского салона.

Зарядка батарей может производиться несколькими способами: Inductive charging (беспроводная зарядка), порт для инновационной зарядки 800 вольт позволяющий всего за 15 минут зарядить батарею на 80%, и также порт на 400 вольт.

При полной зарядке немецкий электрокар способен разгоняться от 0 до 100 кмч всего за 3,5 сек и от 0 до 200 кмч за 12 сек, запас хода более 500 км.

Показатели не феноменальные, для примера серийный американский Tesla Model S P85D с тремя электромоторами мощностью более 690 сил выстреливает до первой сотни всего за 3,2 сек и способен разгоняться до максимальной скорости в 248 км, запас хода, правда, чуть меньше 400-475 км.

Производство первого серийного электрокара Порше по предварительной информации стартует в 2020 году на новых производственных площадках в немецком Цуффенхаузене.

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Руководство Porsche AG на проект Mission E выделяет более 700 млн евро.

Porsche Mission E 2016-2017 видео тест

Porsche Mission E 2016-2017 фото

Нажмите фото для увеличения

Porsche Mission E 2016-2017 фото салон

Нажмите фото для увеличения

Источник: https://povozcar.ru/porsche-mission-e-2020.html

Премиум электрокроссовер Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept 2018

На минувшей автомобильной женевской выставке глазам зрителей был представлен Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept 2018. Модель является концептуальным вариантом, запуск же конвейерного производства планируется начать через 3–5 лет.

электрический Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept 2018 года

Ранее от компании «Порше» был представлен еще один электрокар, но седан. В свою очередь, кроссовер же обещает занять высокую позицию на рынке среди электромобилей премиального класса. Стоит отметить, что определенные моменты указывают на то, будто модель готова к серийному выпуску. Однако заявления компании-производителя говорят об обратном – этого события придется ждать еще несколько лет.

Внешний вид концептуального электрокара говорит о том, что перед нами не просто стильный и экологически чистый автомобиль, но и об его агрессивном и дерзком характере.

По кузовной части Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept получил превосходное сочетание обтекаемого облика с агрессивными элементами, которые указывают на сильный характер и энергетику их обладателя. Даже ребра, что украшают некоторые из элементов кроссовера, будто бы «вливаются» в корпус.

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Такое решение придает элегантности, но в то же время индивидуальности и заметной характерности автомобилю.

Новое детище «Порше» оснащено матричными светодиодными огнями спереди, единой линией задних фонарей, которые растянулись по всей длине кормы, захватывая даже бока, а также способны воспроизводить 3D-эффекты и обладают светящейся надписью с названием компании.

В числе особенностей новой модели Порше Миссион Е стоит упомянуть и стильные световые пушки, что были встроены в передние фары, и вкупе с дневными ходовыми огнями отвечают за основной свет.

Для предохранения кузова от возможных механических повреждений и коррозии он отделан по нижней части пластиковыми окаемками.

Одной из эстетически приятных деталей является наличие полностью панорамной крыши, позволяющей наслаждаться красотой неба в любой период времени и при любой погоде.

При том полная панорама во всю длину крыши позволяет насладиться завораживающим видом и задним пассажирам, не обделив их обзором.

Внутри Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept способен, пожалуй, разве что восторгать. Во-первых, его интерьер продолжает общую идею внешнего вида модели – здесь все выполнено в инновационном стилистическом образе. Во-вторых, салон модели предлагает зрителям и будущим владельцам нетривиальные и свежие решения уже устоявшихся и привычных процессов.

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Стоит отметить, что управление всем функционалом инновационного электрокара Порше Миссион Е производится при помощи дисплеев, которые поражают своим количеством и разнообразием.

Так, например, верхний дисплей на центральной консоли расположился от ее начала в левой части до места, где у большинства простых автомобилей располагается перчаточный ящик – практически во весь размер оставшейся длины передней панели (за вычетом информационной). Ниже располагается еще один дисплей, отвечающий за управление множества функций автомобиля (например, таких, как климат-контроль).

Трехспицевый руль позволяет управлять множеством процессов и функций, не отвлекаясь от управления автомобилем. Информационная панель выполнена в виде широкоформатного дисплея, на котором водитель будет получать все интересующие данные о состоянии электрокара. Комфортабельность же и качество отделочных материалов – на завидной высоте.

Концептуальный электрокар от «Порше» заимел следующие габаритные показатели:

— длина: 4,95 м; — ширина: 1,99 м; — высота 1,42 м;

— протяженность колесной базы: 3 м.

Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept оснащен колесными дисками размером в 20 дюймов.

В виду представления на выставке только концептуального автомобиля говорить о его комплектациях еще совершенно рано, ведь серийное производство будет налажено еще лишь через несколько лет.

Хотя уже сейчас можно предположить, у Порше Миссион Е не будет иных комплектаций, а вся возможность выбора и индивидуализации своей покупки станет доступна благодаря опционным, дизайнерским и иным пакетам.

С их помощью можно будет дополнить автомобиль всем желаемым.

Технические характеристики Porsche Mission E

Под капотом премиального кроссовера располагается две электрических силовых установки, каждая из которых выдает свыше 300 л.с. Благодаря своей необузданной мощи автомобиль за 3,5 секунды набирает скорость в 100 километров в час.

Такой показатель, стоит отметить, способен выдать далеко не каждый бензиновый-то «железный конь», а ожидать подобного от электрического двигателя – и вовсе в диковинку. Но… имеем то, что имеем.

По заявлениям инженеров из «Порше» заряда батареи должно хватить, минимум, на 405 километров хода, а максимально возможная скорость их детища отмечается в 250 км/ч.

На данный момент никакой определенности с ценовой политикой относительно серийных экземпляров Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo нет.

Но, по мнениям экспертов, стоимость такого электрокара будет составлять не менее 120.000–125.000 евро, что в рублевом эквиваленте составляет 8.450.000–8.810.000.

Так или иначе ничего не остается, кроме как дожидаться запуска серийного производства и оглашения стоимости электрического кроссовера.

Видео Порше Миссион Е Кросс Туризмо 2018:

Фото Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo Concept:

Источник: http://autowestnik.ru/porsche-mission-e-cross-turismo-concept-2018/


Previous (Track and field)A modern European farm tractor

A tractor is a vehicle designed to provide a high tractive effort (pulling force) at slow speeds, in order to haul a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction. The term tractor is derived from the Latin trahere, which means «to pull.»[1]

Most commonly, the word «tractor» is used to describe the distinctive farm vehicle.

The farm tractor is used for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks.

In Canada and the United States, the word is also used to refer to a road tractor. Other common uses of the term include the lawn tractor and the power unit of a semi-trailer truck.

A 1958 Series II Field Marshall

Farm tractor

A modern John Deere 8110 Farm Tractor plowing a field using a chisel plow.


The first powered farm implements in the early 1800s were portable engines—steam engines on wheels that could be used to drive mechanical farm machinery by way of a flexible belt. Around 1850, the first traction engines were developed from them and were widely adopted for agricultural use.

Where soil conditions permitted, as in the U.S., steam tractors were used to direct-haul plows, but in the UK, plowing engines were used for cable-hauled plowing instead.

Steam-powered agricultural engines remained in use well into the twentieth century, until reliable internal combustion engines were developed.[2]

In 1892, John Froelich built the first practical gasoline-powered tractor in Clayton County, Iowa, but only two were sold. It was not until 1911, when the Twin City Traction Engine Company developed the design, that it became successful.

In Britain, the first recorded tractor sale was the oil-burning Hornsby-Ackroyd Patent Safety Oil Traction engine, in 1897. However, the first commercially successful design was Dan Albone's three-wheel Ivel tractor of 1902. In 1908, Saundersons of Bedford introduced a four-wheel design, and went on to become the largest tractor manufacturer outside the U.S.

While unpopular at first, these gasoline-powered machines began to catch on in the 1910s, when they became smaller and more affordable. Henry Ford introduced the Fordson, the first mass-produced tractor, in 1917. Built in the U.S.

, Ireland, England, and Russia, Fordson had 77 percent of the U.S. market by 1923. The Fordson dispensed with a frame, using the strength of the engine block to hold the machine together.

By the 1920s, tractors with a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine had become the norm.

The classic farm tractor is a simple open vehicle, with two very large driving wheels on an axle below and slightly behind a single seat. The seat and steering wheel consequently are in the center of the vehicle.

The engine is placed in front of the driver, with two steerable wheels below the engine compartment.

This basic design remained unchanged for a number of years, but all modern models are fitted with enclosed cabs, for reasons of operator safety and comfort.

Originally, plows and other equipment were connected via a draw-bar, or a proprietary connecting system; prior to Harry Ferguson patenting the three-point hitch. Recently, Bobcat's patent on its front loader connection expired, and compact tractors are now being outfitted with quick-connect attachments for their front-end loaders.


A small red tractor towing a cargo cart

Modern farm tractors usually have five foot-pedals for the operator on the floor of the tractor. The pedal on the left is the clutch. The operator presses on this pedal to disengage the transmission for either shifting gears or stopping the tractor.

Two of the pedals on the right are the brakes. The left brake pedal stops the left rear wheel and the right brake pedal does the same with the right side. This independent left and right wheel braking augments the steering of the tractor when only the two rear wheels are driven.

This is usually done when it is necessary to make a tight turn. The split brake pedal is also used in mud or soft dirt to control a tire that spins due to loss of traction. The operator presses both pedals together to stop the tractor.

For tractors with additional front-wheel drive, this operation often engages the 4-wheel locking differential to help stop the tractor when traveling at road speeds.

A fifth pedal just in front of the seat operates the rear differential lock (diff lock) which prevents wheelslip. The differential allows the outside wheel to travel faster than the inside one during a turn.

However, in traction conditions on a soft surface the same mechanism could allow one wheel to slip, thus preventing traction to the other wheel. The diff lock overrides this, causing both wheels to supply equal traction.

Care must be taken to unlock the differential, usually by hitting the pedal a second time, before turning, since the tractor cannot perform a turn with the diff lock engaged.

Источник: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Tractor

Agricultural vehicle licences, tax information and fuel

If you or your business use agricultural vehicles, they may require a different licence and may even be exempt from vehicle tax. Vehicle driving licences are categorised by type of vehicle and also vary according to the weight of the vehicle. However, most agricultural tractors mounted on wheels can be driven on the public highway by anyone who has passed a car driving test.

This guide provides information on the licensing requirements for agricultural vehicles and explains which vehicles are exempt from tax.

It also explains the different legal requirements — including the minimum age requirement for driving agricultural vehicles and type approval for tractors.

Finally, there are details on quad bikes, rebated fuel and agricultural vehicles that are exempt from an operator’s licence.

Licensing requirements for farm vehicles

Under special licensing arrangements, you are allowed to drive larger vehicles on your farm without holding a large goods vehicle (LGV) driving licence entitlement.

If you drive a larger vehicle, the maximum authorised mass — ie the total weight of the vehicle plus the maximum load it can carry — will determine which driving licence entitlement you require, for example:

  • 3.5 to 7.5 tonnes requires a category C1 licence
  • more than 7.5 tonnes requires a category C licence

You must be at least 18 years of age to drive a vehicle weighing between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes, and 21 years of age to drive a vehicle over 7.5 tonnes.

Minimum ages to drive agricultural vehicles

There are age restrictions that control the type of vehicle you can legally drive. The tables below provide information on the licence required to drive or ride agricultural vehicles and the minimum age requirements.

Three or 4-wheeled light vehicles

CategoryDescriptionMinimum age*
B1 Motor tricycles, quadricycles and 3 or 4-wheeled vehicles with an unladen weight no more than 550 kilograms 17*
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*Age 16 if you are currently getting Disability Living Allowance at the higher rate — mobility component

Medium-sized vehicles with or without trailers

CategoryDescriptionMinimum age
C1 Vehicles weighing between 3,500 kilograms and 7,500 kilograms, with or without a trailer — weighing no more than 750 kilograms 18*
C1+E As category C1 but with a trailer weighing more than 750 kilograms. The total weight of the vehicle and the trailer together can’t weigh more than 12,000 kilograms. 21*, **

*Age 17 if you are a member of the armed services

**Age 18 if you got your driving licence before 10 September 2009, and the weight of the vehicle and trailer together is under 7,500 kilograms

Though the minimum age is 21, you can drive C1+E category vehicles at age 18 if you:

  • have passed your driving test and Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) initial qualification
  • are learning to drive or taking a driving test for this category or Driver CPC initial qualification
  • are taking a national vocational training course to get a Driver CPC initial qualification
  • had your driving licence before 10 September 2009 — you must take the CPC periodic training within 5 years of this date

A C1+E category vehicle is the same as a C1 vehicle, except with a trailer over 750 kilograms. For example, a vehicle with an unladen weight of 6,000 kilograms and a maximum weight of 7,500 kilograms pulling a fully loaded trailer with a weight of 4,500 kilograms gives a total weight 12,000 kilograms.

Large vehicles, with or without trailers

CategoryDescriptionMinimum age
C Vehicles over 7,500 kilograms with a trailer up to 750 kilograms 21*
C+E As category C but with a trailer over 750 kilograms 21*

*Age 17 if you are a member of the armed services

However, you can drive these vehicles at age 18 if you:

  • have passed your driving test and Driver CPC initial qualification
  • are learning to drive or taking a driving test for this category or Driver CPC initial qualification
  • are taking a national vocational training course to get a Driver CPC initial qualification
  • had your driving licence before 10 September 2009 — you must take the CPC periodic training within 5 years of this date

Other categories

CategoryDescriptionMinimum age
F Agricultural tractors 17*
G Road rollers 21**
H Tracked vehicles 21***
K Mowing machine or vehicle controlled by a pedestrian 16

*Age 16 for tractors less than 2.45 metres wide, it must only pull trailers less than 2.45 metres wide with 2 wheels, or 4 close-coupled

**Age 17 for small road-rollers with metal or hard rollers, they must not be steam powered, weigh more than 11,690 kilograms or be made for carrying loads

***Age 17 if the maximum authorised mass of the tracked vehicle doesn’t exceed 3,500 kilograms

Exempted large goods vehicles

If you hold a full category B (car) driving licence you can drive a number of large agricultural vehicles:

  • a goods vehicle propelled by steam
  • any road construction vehicle used or kept on the road solely for the conveyance of built-in road construction machinery (with or without articles or materials used for the purpose of that machinery)
  • any engineering plant other than a mobile crane
  • a works truck
  • an industrial tractor
  • an agricultural motor vehicle which is not an agricultural or forestry tractor
  • a digging machine
  • a goods vehicle which, in so far as it is used on (public roads):
    • only in passing from land in the occupation of a person keeping the vehicle to other land in the occupation of that person
    • is not used on (public roads) for distances exceeding an aggregate of 9.7 kilometres in any calendar week
  • goods vehicle, other than an agricultural motor vehicle, which is used:

    • only for purposes relating to agriculture, horticulture or forestry
    • on (public roads) only in passing between areas of land occupied by the same person
  • in passing between any two such areas does not travel a distance exceeding 1.5 kilometres on (public roads)

Mobile cranes

You now require a category C1 driving licence to drive a mobile crane weighing between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes. If the weight of the crane is over 7.5 tonnes then you will require a category C licence.

Abandoned and nuisance vehicles

Abandoned vehicles can cause a nuisance, attract anti-social behaviour, or be part of a criminal investigation. Abandoning a vehicle is a crime and can attract a financial penalty or prison sentence.

If you believe a vehicle may have been abandoned on or near your property, you should try to confirm whether the vehicle has been abandoned. You can do this by checking:

  • the general state of the car — for example, flat tyres, a broken windscreen, or removed parts may suggest that it has been abandoned
  • whether the vehicle has a number plate

If you are sure that the vehicle has been abandoned, you should report it to your local council. You should provide the council with any information you know about the vehicle, for example:

  • vehicle, make, model and colour
  • vehicle registration number
  • condition of the vehicle — and any damage to it
  • location of the vehicle — and if it is causing an obstruction
  • how long the vehicle has been abandoned
  • any additional information — for example, who was the last person you saw in the vehicle

Vehicle tax exemptions

There are certain types of vehicle that are exempt from vehicle tax. If your vehicle is exempt, you will need to renew it each year.

Vehicles exempt from tax

If you own a vehicle that is used solely for the purpose of agriculture, horticulture or forestry, it is exempt from vehicle tax.

You can check which agricultural, horticultural and forestry and other vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax.

If you don’t need to pay vehicle tax, you still need to renew your vehicle licence each year.

Type approval and exemptions for tractors and goods vehicles

You are required to have a goods vehicle operator’s licence for most goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross plated weight.

However, there are a number of exemptions that apply, including for agricultural tractors.

You can also download the Driver and Vehicle Services Agency’s (DVSA) guide to operator licensing for goods vehicles.

Type approval for tractors

All vehicles supplied for use in the UK need to meet strict health and safety standards.

Vehicle Type Approval is the confirmation that production samples of a design will meet specified performance standards. The specification of the product is recorded and only that specification is approved.

Agricultural quad bikes

An agricultural quadricycle (quad) is a light 4-wheeled vehicle intended for off-road use. It must be registered with DVLA as an agricultural vehicle and be used as a working vehicle for farming, forestry or similar purposes.

You are allowed to use an agricultural quad on the public road for short distances as long as it is registered for road use, has a number plate and complies with the relevant lighting and construction requirements.

Lighting requirements

If you use an agricultural quad on the public road between sunrise and sunset you are not required to fit a lamp or reflector. However, you will be required to make hand signals to indicate slowing down or change of direction.

To use your agricultural quad during the night it must be fitted with the full complement of lighting, for example:

  • lamps
  • reflectors
  • rear markings and other devices

If your quad was first used on or after 1 April 1986, the types of lamp it requires are determined by the maximum speed of the vehicle, as shown in the table below:

Lamp requirements for different types of quad

Maximum speedTypes of lamp required to be fitted
Any speed Front position lamp (white) Rear position lamp (red) Rear retro-reflector (red) — must be non-triangular Number plate lamp
>15 miles per hour (mph) As above and also: Dipped-beam headlamp (white) Front and rear direction indicators (amber)* Also, there must be a switch to operate all 4 flashing together — as a hazard warning device
>25mph All of the above and also: Main-beam headlamp (white) Rear fog lamp (red) Stop lamp (red)
>40mph All of the above and also: Dim-dip device or running lamp (unless the vehicle conforms to European requirements)

*Front and rear direction indicators are not required if the unladen mass of the quad is less than 255 kilograms

Additional features and rules for agricultural quads

If your agricultural quad is capable of speeds exceeding 20mph then you are required to fit a speedometer and a horn.

You are not allowed to carry any passengers on an agricultural quad.

Rebated fuel for agricultural vehicles

There are certain categories of vehicle which are not defined as road vehicles and can therefore use rebated fuel, otherwise known as ‘red diesel’.

Unlicensed vehicles not used on public roads

If you own a vehicle that is not used on the public road and has no licence under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994, it is an excepted vehicle.

A vehicle can qualify as an exempted vehicle in the unlicensed category if it is not registered with the DVLA or if a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) is made.

This includes vehicles that have not been taxed since before the 31 January 1998, which are not required to make a SORN.

It is a criminal offence to use a vehicle on a public road that is not registered with the DVLA or has a SORN.


A tractor qualifies as an excepted vehicle if it is designed and constructed primarily for off-road use. An excepted tractor can be used on a public road solely for:

  • agriculture, horticulture or forestry work
  • cutting verges bordering public roads
  • cutting hedges or trees bordering public roads or bordering verges which border public roads

Tractors with a vehicle excise licence — such as a general haulage vehicle — cannot use red diesel either on or off public roads, regardless of whether it is undertaking agricultural, horticultural or forestry work. This is because it is licensed to perform other work and is not therefore assumed to be used solely for agriculture, horticulture or forestry.

Light agricultural vehicles

For a vehicle to qualify as a light agricultural vehicle, it must:

  • have a revenue weight not exceeding 1,000 kilograms
  • be designed and constructed so as to seat only the driver
  • be designed and constructed primarily for use otherwise than on roads
  • be used solely for purposes relating to agriculture, horticulture or forestry

The revenue weight of a vehicle is either the maximum weight of the vehicle or the design weight as defined in section 60A of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act.

Quad bikes and similar single-seater machines used for agricultural, horticultural or forestry work are classed as light agricultural vehicles.

Agricultural material handlers

For a vehicle to qualify as an agricultural material handler, it must be designed to lift goods or burden. It must also be designed and constructed primarily for off-road use.

This category is restricted to material handlers used on public roads solely for:

  • agricultural, horticultural or forestry work
  • cutting verges bordering public roads
  • cutting hedges or trees bordering public roads or bordering verges which border public roads

Agricultural engines

Agricultural engines are restricted to purpose-built vehicles that:

  • are designed and used solely for agriculture, horticulture or forestry work
  • are used on public roads only for going to and from a place of work
  • if used on a public road, do not carry any load except such as is necessary for its propulsion or for the operation of any machinery built-in or permanently attached to the vehicle
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Examples of vehicles that use agricultural engines include:

  • combine harvesters
  • crop sprayers
  • forage harvesters
  • pea viners

Agricultural processing vehicles

Agricultural processing vehicles — such as mobile seed cleaning machines or feed milling machines — are specialist vehicles that:

  • are used for the movement of built-in machinery — for processing agricultural, horticultural or forestry produce — used while the vehicle is stationary
  • are used on public roads only for going to and from a place of work
  • if used on a public road, do not carry any load except such as is necessary for its propulsion or for the operation of the processing machinery

Vehicles used between different parts of the land

An agricultural vehicle can be used on more than one piece of land if it:

  • is used only for agriculture, horticulture or forestry work
  • is used on public roads only when passing between different areas of land occupied by the same person
  • does not travel further than 1.5 kilometres on a public road when passing between two such areas and has a nil licence in force in respect

Mowing machines

A mowing machine must be a complete vehicle — machinery built into the vehicle — whether pedestrian-operated or ride-on.

There are several organisations that offer help and support for farmers and land owners on agricultural vehicles.

The DVLA is an executive agency of the Department for Transport (DfT) that provides information and advice about driver licences, vehicle registration and taxation. Find information on vehicle licensing and tax.

The VCA is an executive agency of the DfT and the national approval authority for new road vehicles, agricultural tractors and off-road vehicles in the UK. You will need to contact the VCA to get Vehicle Type Approval for any tractor or agricultural vehicle you use. Find out about the work and services of the VCA on their website.

DVSA provides a range of licensing, testing and enforcement services with the aim of improving the roadworthiness standards of vehicles, and ensuring the compliance of operators and drivers with road traffic legislation. Read about the work and services of DVSA.

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) represents the farmers and growers of Englandnfu and Wales. It aims to promote successful and socially responsible agriculture and horticulture, while ensuring the long-term viability of rural communities.

You can read about the work of the NFU on their website.

Источник: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/agricultural-vehicle-licences-and-fuel

Tractors — Farming Simulator 15 Game Guide

Next Machines Headers Prev Machines Wheel loader

Necessary for most of the task on the field. You can attach various implements (like sowing machine, plow, etc.) and tippers to them. Better implements require stronger tractors.

Model: H 488

Price: 37 000$

Maintenance: 270$/day

Maximum power: 66 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

One of the tractors that you have from the start.

Model: Agrostar 6.61

Price: 51 000$

Maintenance: 460$/day

Maximum power: 105 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

One of the tractors that you have from the start.

Model: 6135 A

Price: 58 000$

Maintenance: 330$/day

Maximum power: 99 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

One of the tractors that you have from the start (Westbridge Hills).

Model: T4.75 Powerstar

Price: 64 000$

Maintenance: 70$/day

Maximum power: 55 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

A tractor that allows you to attach a front loader to it. Don't forget about attaching weight to the back of the vehicle.

Model: 15014

Price: 82 000$

Maintenance: 260$/day

Maximum power: 109 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: Geotrac 94

Price: 94 000$

Maintenance: 110$/day

Maximum power: 75 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: Multi 4115

Price: 105 000$

Maintenance: 100$/day

Maximum power: 84 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

A tractor that allows you to attach a front loader to it. Don't forget about attaching weight to the back of the vehicle.

Model: XM 130 T4I

Price: 150 000$

Maintenance: 90$/day

Maximum power: 96 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: Fortis 190

Price: 142 000$

Maintenance: 240$/day

Maximum power: 140 kW

Maximum speed: 52 km/h

Model: Puma 160

Price: 149 000$

Maintenance: 130$/day

Maximum power: 118 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: T6.160

Price: 157 000$

Maintenance: 120$/day

Maximum power: 118 kW

Maximum speed: 52 km/h

A stronger version of a tractor that you can attach a front loader to.

Model: Mach 230 VRT

Price: 195 000$

Maintenance: 170$/day

Maximum power: 162 kW

Maximum speed: 62 km/h

Model: 7250 TTV

Price: 229 000$

Maintenance: 250$/day

Maximum power: 193 kW

Maximum speed: 62 km/h

Model: T8.320

Price: 254 000$

Maintenance: 290$/day

Maximum power: 235 kW

Maximum speed: 52 km/h

Model: Magnum 380

Price: 298 000$

Maintenance: 350$/day

Maximum power: 279 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: T8.435 Smarttrax

Price: 312 000$

Maintenance: 380$/day

Maximum power: 320 kW

Maximum speed: 52 km/h

Model: T9.565

Price: 348 000$

Maintenance: 520$/day

Maximum power: 416 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

Model: Quadtrac 620

Price: 379 000$

Maintenance: 600$/day

Maximum power: 456 kW

Maximum speed: 43 km/h

The strongest tractor available.

Model: Zetor Crystal 12045

Price: 52 000$

Maintenance: 450$/day

Max power: 89 kW/121 KM

Max speed: 31 km/h

The basic tractor available on Sosnovka map. It is costly to maintain and slow, but more powerful than the higher-end model.

Model: Zetor Major 80

Price: 58 000$

Maintenance: 95$/day

Max power: 55 kW/75 KM

Max speed: 41 km/h

Basic tractor for Sosnovka map. Cheap and fast, but useless for tougher duty.

Model: Zetor Proxima Power 120

Price: 98 000$

Maintenance: 120$/day

Max power: 86 kW/117 KM

Max speed: 41 km/h

A tractor with an option to attach a front hoe. Also, remember to attach weight to the back of the tractor.

Model: Zetor Forterra 150 HD

Price: 136 000$

Maintenance: 120$/day

Max power: 108 kW/147 KM

Max speed: 41 km/h

Next Machines Headers Prev Machines Wheel loader

Источник: https://guides.gamepressure.com/farmingsimulator2015/guide.asp?ID=27344

History of the Porsche-Diesel

In the early 1930’s Prof. Dr. F. Porsche started design work on the “people tractor” right along with the design work of the “people car”. Eventually, both designs materialized into historical products that are still enjoyed by thousands of people 60 years later.

Interestingly enough (and no surprise, if you knew “Ferdi”), the first design of the Volk-Schlepper had many similarities to the Volkswagen. It certainly did not look like a tractor of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Yes, it had 4 wheels, but that is where it ended.

This very early and unbelievable unique design from day one (1934) already included a hydraulic coupling between engine and transmission.

This was a distinctive design criteria and requirement of all Porsche-Diesel engines used in tractors until the last model produced in 1963. There was a special reason for this requirement.

Engineers in the 1930’s believed that farmers in those days were not able to handle a clutch properly when shifting gears. Interesting!

Prof. Dr. F. Porsche produced three prototype tractors in 1934, all equipped with gasoline engines. The Porsche diesel engine design with its unique air-cooled feature was just not quite ready for production at that time.

Through numerous tests this design let to a fully developed air-cooled diesel engine with a power range from 14 hp to 55 hp. By the early 1950’s Prof. Dr. F. Porsche had designed 4 basic models, 1 cyl., 2 cyl., 3 cyl., and 4 cyl. versions, all have individual and interchangeable cylinders and heads. Another interesting fact is, that Prof. Dr. F.

Porsche also had a 4-wheel drive tractor on the drawing board as early as 1946. Obviously, way ahead of everyone else.

After WWII only companies in Germany who were producing farm tractors during and prior to WWII were allowed to continue producing those tractors.

Since Porsche was not one of these companies, but had a very modern and unique design, it signed licensing agreements with the German company Allgaier GmbH and the Austrian company Hofherr Schrantz.

These two companies used the Porsche engine design and called their tractor: Allgaier – System Porsche and Hofherr Schrantz – System Porsche.

By 1956 Mannesmann AG decided to get into the tractor business and bought the license for the Porsche diesel engine design and the Allgaier tractor design.

They rebuilt and expanded the old Zeppelin factory just west of Friedrichshafen on Lake Konstanz to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility with the most modern machine tool and assembly complex available at that time.

Porsche-Diesel tractors were produced in this facility until the end of 1963 by a division of Mannesmann AG, called Porsche-Diesel Motorenbau GmbH. At the end of 1963 an international “arrangement” was made with Renault to service the Porsche-Diesel tractors worldwide.

The Friedrichshafen factory was needed by MTU-Daimler to produce large diesel engines for NATO tanks.

Between 1956 and 1963 over 125,000 Porsche-Diesel tractors were produced, many of them still in daily operation on farms and ranches all over the world.

In this time frame American Porsche-Diesel Corporation, 808 Packer Street, Easton, PA, sold approximately 1,000 Porsche-Diesel tractors in North America.

Most of the tractors were sold at that time on the East Coast of the USA and Canada. A brand new Junior could be bought for about $1,750 and a Super for about $3,600.

Very few Standards and Masters were sold due to a problem of being price competitive with U.S. made tractors.

Today, the number of Porsche-Diesel tractors in North America has increased drastically due to the fact that collecting and restoring Porsche-Diesel tractors is becoming a unique and affordable hobby. Fully concourse restored Porsche-Diesel tractors are being traded in the $15 – 20,000 range, however, un-restored examples in good running condition usually sell between $5,000 and $6,000.

Here are some interesting dates that high-lite the history of the Porsche-Diesel tractors:

1934 Initial design stage and production of 3 test vehicles with gasoline engine

1937 Official order by the German government to develop the “Volks-Tractor”

1950 Allgaier starts production of the famous AP17 aluminum tractor with the Porsche designed 2-cylinder, air-cooled, diesel engine developing 18 hp.

1951 Death of Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Porsche

1953 Start of the now green Allgaier – System Porsche tractors. Product offering of 11hp, 22 hp, 33 hp, and 44 hp. Allgaier discontinues the manufacturing of their
old, water-cooled engine design.

1954 High sales volume requires larger manufacturing facilities. Registration of Porsche-Diesel Motorenbau GmbH, wholly owned division of Mannesmann AG.

1956 New facilities are being built in Friedrichshafen-Manzell at the old Donier/Zeppelin factory.

1956 Start of the production of the new line of PORSCHE-DIESEL tractors in red. The new product offering consisted of 4 models: JUNIOR, STANDARD, SUPER, and MASTER., (14 hp, 25 hp, 38 hp, 50 hp).

1957 Domestic sales were about 11,000 units and export about 6,000 units.
Agreement with Deutz to share technology and purchasing of specific parts.

1958 Production of approx. 20,000 tractors.

1959 Introduction of newly design product line with 15-20-26-30-35-55 hp.

1960 Domestic sales about 10,000 units and export about 6,000 units. Introduction of the newly developed Bosch-Hydraulic lifting and regulating system.

1962 By the end of 1962 Mannesmann AG decided to discontinue the
manufacturing of Porsche-Diesel tractors in the near future.

1963 The last Porsche-Diesel tractors were produced at the end of 1963, however, a large number of units were still assembled in early 1964. They had to be assembled out in the open since the manufacturing facilities were now used by

MTU producing high-speed, light-weight diesel engines for the NATO tanks.


Источник: http://www.porsche-diesel.com/history.aspx

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